The Ace PlaceTM


Welcome to Hell!

Hello I'm AceArachnid, most people call me Ace. If by some horrific chance you find yourself on this page, I'm very sorry. I wanted to learn how to make a website for a long time now. Problem is, I don't know how to program in CSS or HTML, I don't know anything about design, and I am in the middle of experiencing the horrors known as a college education. However, I will not let myself be stopped by some silly little problems like that. So this place will be a project to help me learn how to code, create, and format a website! Nothing on this page will be of any use, or even smart for that matter, and only serves as a way for me to learn. Feel free to explore whatever horrendous things I find/come up with! And I won't cover any therapy bills that arise, so good luck :3

Here is my OC / Sona idiot, she is a spider and I made her when I was really conflicted with feelings of being asexual. This is information you know now and you can't unlearn it. She is up on my ArtFight pleaseeee draw her this year she gets like no art and it makes me sad :( Btw that last drawing of her is by @StriderCats on YouTube, go check her out she is very cool and awesome.

More About Me

Okay, first of all you are not getting my age because that would be creepy. Second of all, you are not getting my gender because I think that would be funny; use like, every pronoun imaginable if you see me in a rogue Discord server or something. Okay, now for the boring bits, I am...

Okay you got all that? I'm not gonna repeat it so don't bother asking for me to repeat it. I might write seperate pages for these later and link them to this list but that's for future me to deal with because I am still learning how to program lol. Alright now go off and do something else I'm here to keep you captive. Seriously stop reading all of this why are you still reading.