The Ace PlaceTM



AceConnections is a bunch of custom Connections puzzles by me! I try to make a couple every week so make sure to check back every once in a while to see what's up!

Most Recent Puzzle

AceConnections #51: Block by Block

Featured Puzzle

AceConnections #48: Back Again

How to Play

Connections is a game by the New York Times, where you get a grid of sixteen words and you have to group them into four groups of four. These groups will all have an answer/theme, like a group containing the words "Hot, Cold, Warm, Freezing" could have the answer "Temperature" and so on. You won't know the answer so you have to deduct each puzzle based on patterns within the words, which is harder said than done. When you successfully connect a group of four words, the words will be grouped and the answer will be revealed. The group will also have a color. The color loosely corresponds to how difficult it is to deduct the clue. The easiest being yellow, then it goes green, then blue, and then purple being the most difficult. Yellows are usually more obvious, using clues like synonyms; while purple is usually the hardest, using clues like fill-in blanks and idioms. Lastly if you are one word away from having a correct connection, the game will tell you. It won't give you the answer or any other clues, so use this to your advantage or to confirm suspicions. That's it have fun playing!

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